I ran down the last of the Tehachapi gas from the pass till my tank light turned yellow, after crossing through counties with joy as my bounty, feeling righteous and mellow. I paid forty dollars to top off the hollow that lingered within my machine, and into the rain I made my way home from the scene.

A picture from inside my Honda Civic Sunday, March 19, 2023 in San Pablo, California, of its dash with its fuel indicator well past reading a full tank, and its odometer reading 1566.6 miles, all but 90 of which came during a recent vacation road trip, with an average 40.1 miles per gallon due to high speeds, wide open interstate traffic lanes with few other vehicles around, and good luck avoiding obstacles like speed traps and such.

Sang my lungs out tonight, but no more first and third Saturday nights for karaoke here: starting next month it’ll be Tuesday evenings. I can try to make it to the first time, if I shift my schedule and my luck holds. A midweek music moment could be just what I need. Maybe you too, if you’re nearby.

A black and white filtered picture of karaoke jockeys Dana Morrigan and Kitten warming up Saturday, March 18, 2023 before an evening hiding singers at Stay Gold Deli in San Pablo Avenue in Oakland, California.

No contacts, just glasses. Takeaway for the second straight day from the South Asian mall spot that goes hard on chutney giveaway. A little bit of lounging around, a lot of language app drill time, and an in-between amount of thinking about what work feels like during the last few days not doing it.

Multiple chunks of boti, or bright orange dyed tandoori oven baked and shish skewered chicken breast, accompanied by grilled onions, ordered from a local restaurant and placed on a small patterned plate Friday, March 17, 2023 in San Pablo, California.

Our homeward trip retraced our outward route through the central valley, full of big rigs dodging potholes beside charged canals and flowing aqueducts. At one point we were briefly dazzled by a canary yellow plane wiggling its wings as it flew over the interstate before crop dusting a tree orchard.

Metal power line towers stand and hold wires Thursday, March 16, 2023 above a stretch of green Kettleman City, California field under partly cloudy skies

More driving today, neither for distance nor for speed, but for height and then depth. We didn’t have to climb a mountain, but we obtained excellent sandwiches in its shadow before carefully, deliberately hauling it all the way to the bottom of a basin, where we ate and schvitzed and took in nearby wonders.

Several dozen people clad in casual clothing walk in warm air and bright sunshine along a salt whitened stretch of open space near a fenced off parking lot full of cars and recreational vehicles Wednesday, March 14, 2023 at Badwater Basin in Death Valley National Park in Death Valley, California. The day's temperatures did not appear to exceed 25 degrees Celsius, or about 76 degrees Fahrenheit.

Today’s heights to depths and back journey meant a lot of slow and careful forward motion over many hours around sharp curves and along steep grades. It was easily well worth it early, but even diminishing late returns yielded some potential gains. Now I just need our windshield to stay in one piece.

A roughly southern view of clouds, mountains and brush Tuesday, March 14, 2023 along eastbound Highway 190 lanes in Death Valley National Park between Stovepipe Wells and Furnace Creek.

Any day behind the wheel beats one behind a keyboard. Throw in scattered sunshine, sweet views of green and flower laden stretches up toward snow capped ranges (and empty space between them) from several remote highways, some roadside barbecue washed down with NA beer, and an amazing book, and yup!

A tall bank of puffy white cumulus cloud rises between two palm tree trunks and tops silhouetted against midday blue sky Monday, March 13, 2023 near Owens Drive in Pleasanton, California.

Today was for drifting between pleasurable moments (favorite candy! local chatter! extra inning chat with the maternal unit! karaoke!), showing up and releasing routine cares, realizing that their satisfaction changes out of context but still managing to wring measures of joy and delight from them.

A chalkboard sandwich-board sign with a colored chalk caricature of Garfield the cat on it surrounded by solid yellow stars over the scribbled words 'let's party' rests on a sidewalk next to a green painted base of a street lamppost Sunday, March 12, 2023 in the 400 block of 14th Street in Oakland, California

I didn’t give anything at a store, studied the rain until it eased up, and got in some time with taxes before lunch. A few videos helped distract during exercise after I’d got a couple more chapters into one of my library books. When A. got home, she said I looked relaxed. Leisure mode unlocked: I’ll take it.

A black button with words in white capital lettering reading 'you just be pretty bored to read this' against a blonde wood desk surface

Before going anywhere, you have to start from someplace. I left the house like I’ll leave it for the next couple of days, but then I’ll come home and make plans, some related to time away from specific fine grounds of attention, energy and effort, and others related to necessary and restorative leisure.

A look through my car windshield from underneath concrete overpasses for Interstate 680 toward westbound Highway 24 lanes Friday, March 10, 2023 from Boulevard Way in Walnut Creek, California.