A stretch of sidewalk beside several food trucks at a farmers market in a small urban park with palm trees and tents in the distance

Coming back to one of the old neighborhoods is no longer a nostalgic exercise. It’s more abstract, and oddly more sensitive to other nuances. This is what the People Who Live Here Now are like; I don’t think I was like them even when I was still here. They’re not so different from me, except for the obvious ways. They’re committed to the bit. While visiting, I asked how I was, if I ever was. I think maybe I found a new bit, or a different stage, or both. Still me, though?

Partly sunny sky with slightly dramatic clouds and a bit of bare tree branches visible at right

I wanted to be out in the world, but I needed to stay put and bug the cat and rest and read, so that’s what I did. I put in a little time on guitar, but not long enough to be silly about it, changing one from open D to DADGAD tuning. Tomorrow: more time off, and let’s see what that brings.

A light rail car a block away waits at a light stop rain soaked empty streets in an early morning cityscape

I don’t know if I’m going to keep up getting up a half hour earlier than usual on Wednesdays, but it’s made getting in on time more fun and interesting. Figuring out getting where I need to be becomes weirder with every street empty and dark and often either about to rain or just done. Some are pretty much autopilot, and some are no pilot.

The exterior of a library community room with a traffic cone propping open a door and a sign with an arrow directing entrants inside to vote

My relationship to the ballot has changed over time. It’s taken on more weight, even early in the year with the primary process, and so many other people apparently tuned out or mailing it in. Also, I didn’t expect to see people on it that I’d known, gotten emails from or even met in person.

A person riding a skateboard leans forward into a driveway exiting a parking lot and steers into a sidewalk beside a street.

Stretch and breathe and master yourself, because getting out of breath and bent out of shape won’t help you help others. Of course, I say it to remind myself. Of course, I’m going to forget.

Two cream doors with gldd trim in front of a sliding door closet frame

I spent the last week coming down from an unexpected peak with help from a few changes in diet (more when than what, but not much more than usual) and sleep, with exercise as a final missing but necessary component. All these things are going to get traction anew by next weekend with the time change, and we’ll see where things go from there.

A thirty for tall sign advertising multiple retail outlets at a small suburban mall

I could have stayed home, but then I wouldn’t have gotten anything done. After about an hour looking up some new clothes, I pulled the trigger on some items and then went over to the drugstore to pick up a couple of other things for the house. Then back home to dry out, and get ready to return to routine.

A wet dirt path along and underneath a small short grove of trees and plants

The rain never went away, but it was nourishing flora, slowing down traffic and pounding windows and blowing so hard that I could feel wind gusts through closed off glass. Throwing in a couple of striking art exhibits, a critically acclaimed movie and a partial grocery store run made it a better than average day. Having a gumball machine ask me “what is time?” and answering a friend’s question about a song and recovering my wallet and pocket knife were all much more to the good than buying unintentional candy bars and forgetting to score other desired items.

A rainy windshield filters an empty quiet city block stretch on sun early evening.

Just before the street light came on, I thought about what it felt like to be back in the city. I’ve been making it back on certain weekdays, but not to this corner in a while. It wasn’t the same as going by the hospitals in the city where I work weekdays. Maybe it’s my antenna. Maybe it’s something else.