Intense memories, from the trash can on the truck’s side, to old coworkers, to the woman rolling down her window to yell about letting her over, to the blue and white peeling paint on the wall next to the similarly partly sunny sky on my way back from the neighborhood I’d not been to in a minute.

A camera on a solar powered pole near a Union Square intersection.

I wasn’t expecting to take the bus for the second Sunday in a row. Still, here I was at the end of a long day with a waiting driver in front of me behind the wheel of a route that took me almost all the way I needed to go. It moved fast for being a non-express version of the line too. Just lucky?

A stickef posted on the inside of a San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency bus window that reads Please Hold On in capital red letters and Sudden Stops Are Sometimes Necessary in black capital letters

Another stretch of hours broiling under clear high pressure, with only a solitary groaning flyby to deal with and a lot of obviously sourced bad vibes. Still, there was dark clear ramen, brothy and hot with a side order of karaage with a little plastic dish of amazing tamarind sauce to get through.

A large to-go paper bowl of dark clear ramen with two chopsticks sticking out of the bowl full of a hard boiled egg split in two atop noodles, green onions, and thinly sliced chicken medallions from Shiba Ramen at the Public Market in Emeryville, California.